Truth be known, getting inspiration to pour and enjoy a glass of wine doesn’t take much convincing for us, the fact that you are reading this means we are like minded!
“Wine and Sarcasm…. Two of my favourite things!”
“PALATE FATIGUE – when someone says this to you they are politely indicating that they are pissed drunk”
“When Wine goes in, Wisdom comes out”
“Drink Wine, it is not good to keep things bottled up”
“I like to drink Wine on any day that ends in Y”
“Sometimes the best thing to pair with your wine is not on the plate in front of you, but more who is sitting beside you”
“Some people think that they are Champagne in a tall glass, when in actual fact they are lukewarm piss in a plastic cup”
“Wine…. How classy people get drunk”
Next >> Tips For Tasting Wine
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