You will notice most of our wines have won awards. What do they all mean you may be asking?
Here at The Wine Bunker we certainly know a thing or two about wine and when it comes to full flavoured, well-balanced wine we believe you can trust our judgement and recommendations.
We also like to pursue the wines that the experts are talking about and the wines that get great reviews. That’s why you’ll notice many of our wines have won awards or come from highly rated wineries.
Here’s a quick guide to help you navigate the world of wine awards:
Medals are always a good indication of what a wine has achieved yet it is important to note that a gold medal-winning wine doesn’t mean it came ‘first’ as there could be an additional 15 wines entered into a certain class at a wine show and all of them could have received a gold medal. For a wine to receive a gold medal is must score an 18.5 out a possible 20. This is based on Sight (3), Smell (7) and Taste (10)
GOLD Must Score: 18.5 to 20
SILVER Must Score: 17 to 18.5
BRONZE Must Score 15.5 to 17
Wines can also receive a double gold award and a trophy.
DOUBLE GOLD: This is normally awarded if all the judges agree that the wine is worthy of a gold medal. Again, there can be multiple double gold winners.
TROPHY: A trophy indicates a sensational wine. There are several individual trophies up for grabs, with the highly acclaimed Jimmy Watson Trophy just one of them. A trophy wine generally means that it has scored a gold medal and then is deemed by the judges to be the best of the bunch. Trust us, when you see a wine that has won a Trophy you should buy it.
POINTS SYSTEM: This is more prevalent in the United States but we are seeing more of it here in Australia. According to Wine Spectator magazine, this is how the points system is classified.
95-100: CLASSIC
90-94: OUTSTANDING, a wine of superior character and style
85-89: VERY GOOD, a wine with special qualities
80-84: GOOD, a solid well-made wine
75-79: MEDIOCRE, a drinkable wine that may have minor flaws
50-74: Not recommended
Now, remember – the points system is generally based off one man’s opinion, rest assured it is a good one. When a wine has multiple high point ratings – even better!
WINERY RATINGS: – Via Wine Companion
5 RED STARS: Outstanding winery regularly producing wines of exemplary quality and typicity. Will have at least two wines rated at 94 points or above, and had a five-star rating for the previous two years. Where the winery name is printed in red, it is a winery generally acknowledged to have a long track record of excellence – truly the best of the best.
5 STARS: Outstanding winery capable of producing wines of very high quality, and did so this year. Also will usually have at least two wines rated at 94 points or above.
4.5 STARS: Excellent winery able to produce wines of high to very high quality, knocking on the door of a 5-star rating. Will normally have one wine rated at 94 points or above, and two (or more) at 90 and above, others 87-89.
4 STARS: Very good producer of wines with class and character. Will have two (or more) wines rated at 90 points and above (or possibly one at 94 and above).
3.5 STARS: A solid, usually reliable, maker of good, sometimes very good wines. Will have one wine at 90 points and above, others 87-89.
3 STARS: Typically good winery, but often has a few lesser wines. Will have wines at 87-89 points.
Top 100 Wines
This is always a credible guide. Knowing that you are getting a wine that has made the top 100 out of the many thousands that are reviewed means you are buying a top quality wine.
Blue Gold Medal – A wine that is exceptional with a food pairing.
Block Crew Certified – Sure, we put our own little stamp of approval on some of the wines we stock. Not all wines get to hit the circuit for critiquing. We assure you that the wines with The BlockCrew Certification are of Balance and Good Value for money
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